Femina Natura
Rothe House, Kilkenny

My work is rooted in an exploration of pattern, particularly those found in nature, but also of marks and patterns made by man from the earliest of times. I'm fascinated by how patterns connect us to our ancestors and evoke a sense of universal connection. A shared collective memory. 

Since earliest times mankind has been creating symbols and patterns that somehow seem intrinsic and elemental to our nature and reflective of the natural world around us.  

My work attempts to explore this theme. It is my journey into our shared experience and collective unconscious, using mark and pattern making. 

The work explores memory and its fragmented nature. A dreamlike quality, of symbols that have lost their literal meaning, but are still persistent in the consciousness.  

These paintings contain a 'private' language of marks and patterns acting as a metaphor and vehicle, to explore these memories, mostly lost to the passage of time. 

While they are unique to me, I feel they are derived from a ‘universal’, of patterns and rhythms, that we all share.  

The artistic medium I have used to create these art works is known as ‘Encaustic’. This technique involves suspending coloured pigment in wax.  The encaustic technique creates surfaces of great depth, as if looking into a pool of water. 

One of the key techniques of my work is laying on layers of colour and then scraping back through these layers. It has the quality of archaeology, revealing the hidden layers beneath the surface.  

Visually, I find patterns expansive and meditative, especially when they extend beyond the canvas, inviting the mind and eye to follow them outward. My paintings reflect this idea, focusing on small elements from nature, such as the intricate design of frog spawn or the unique structure of leaves, and expanding them into a larger composition.  

A fractal pattern expanding endlessly.  

By focusing on these minutiae, my work aims to connect the viewer to the timeless patterns that shape our inner and outer worlds.